
Showing posts from 2020

Self Sustainability • ENERGY IS TRULY FREE

The Energy of Life is of our Divine essence and is truly free. It permeates within and without you and me. It can not be genuinely stolen but, honed and directed.


They want to have the E.A.R.T.H. to themselves. The E.A.R.T.H. is not Yours to take but to protect. To preserve It from the putrid enemy of Ignoreance over the Land through Divide and Conquer apathetic frequencies and  BA ' AL CORPortations unto our Divine Sophianic Consciousness Grid.  As Within and So Without.🌬️

Allegories • The Truth is stranger than Fiction

The analogies here are realized correlations between our current Objective Reality and Subjective non fictional books, movies, and tv shows. The Truth is stranger than fiction.

The evil in this world, wants your Soul pharmed & cycled 💉🌀 • F.e.a.r. 🔥

 "True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so wants nothing. The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not." Seneca  


Self's Chosen to go back in the paradigm time of space in penance. Where the moment was conditioned to be ignored and never Well spent in taking Chance.    Casting aside all titles. I Infinitely persist revolting to live a life of lies victimized obtuse uncaring existance. We are a F.E.A.R. entropized Being coming   just around the bend.  As Always utter truths we see, show were not nearing  " end " to this tragic cosmic dance. So Worry's futile  when beloved Krystos Source Does what Is only natural to apocalypse   and bring the tides of good riddance.  with a true remorse.                                                      .

Insanity Is Choosing BeLIEfs over REALity • Subconscious Disharmony

"In a mad world, only the mad are sane." (Akiro Kurosawa) The overall definition of what Being insane truly is, is being within Ignoreance and not choosing to recognize self-nescience. Most of heumanity has been soul-cycled for ages through its own collective Insanity. Intellectual cowardice and demoralized naïve realism. Not being sound in own mind or body is to be Governed by some external entity or by one's own mental dis-order. Believing is alike Hope. It's habitual, degenerative and religious binding tradition to what is from dead people. Just like the Sovereign sleeping souls marked with a given number and deemed as property are considered CORPorations to the vatican as soon as they are processed back into this 3D Linear-Time matrix. During the black plague and great fires of London in 1666, Parliament enacted an act behind closed doors, called Cestui Que Vie Act 1666. The act being debated was to subrogate the rights of men and women, meaning all men and women ...

Psychological/Soul Warfare a.k.a. Eternal Warfare √Divide & Conquer Tactics [Metatronic Reversal]

Psychological/Soul Warfare a.k.a. Eternal Warfare Tactics of Inversion & Subversion [Anti-Kryst Metatronic Reversal] Metatronic/Crucifixion Implantations to Hueman Light Body [A.I. Assimilation for Entropic Anti-Life Artificial Consciousness], Malevolent Word Magick,  Hegelian Dialectic, "Occult" Mockery, COINTELPRO/Zersetzung/ "Gangstalking", Z.O.G./KHAZARIAN/JESUIT U.S. CORPORTATION.  Neural Linguistic Programming (N.L.P.), Satanic Ritual Abuse (S.R.A.), Agenda 2030 "World Sustainable Development", Enter(ob)tain-ment/Entrainment/MK-Ultra + R.N.M. Technology and Patents   5G + Nano-technology + Vaccines + BA ' AL Chemtrail Ingredients + Fluoridation = Entropy on the Hueman/Light Body of Original/Natural 12 Strand D.N.A. [currently degressed to 4] • Malevolent Word Magick √Mind Traps  Words are Spells. They can be used for intentions of healing or hurting. The placebo effect is merely an under To break free the from spells of this word magick you ...