Insanity Is Choosing BeLIEfs over REALity • Subconscious Disharmony

"In a mad world, only the mad are sane."
(Akiro Kurosawa)

The overall definition of what Being insane truly is, is being within Ignoreance and not choosing to recognize self-nescience. Most of heumanity has been soul-cycled for ages through its own collective Insanity. Intellectual cowardice and demoralized naïve realism. Not being sound in own mind or body is to be Governed by some external entity or by one's own mental dis-order. Believing is alike Hope. It's habitual, degenerative and religious binding tradition to what is from dead people. Just like the Sovereign sleeping souls marked with a given number and deemed as property are considered CORPorations to the vatican as soon as they are processed back into this 3D Linear-Time matrix.

During the black plague and great fires of London in 1666, Parliament enacted an act behind closed doors, called Cestui Que Vie Act 1666.
The act being debated was to subrogate the rights of men and women, meaning all men and women were declared dead, lost at sea/beyond the sea. (back then operating in Admiralty law, the law of the sea, so lost at sea).

The state (London) took custody of everybody and their property into a trust. The state became the trustee/husband holding all titles to the people and property, until a living man comes back to reclaim those titles, he can also claim damages.

When CAPITAL letters are used anywhere in a name this always refers to a legal entity/fiction, Company or Corporation no exceptions. e.g. John DOE or Doe: JANE
 This is analogically related to the movie Star Wars - Attack Of The Clones when Order-66 was executed by Palpatine/Darth Sidious soon after his divised plan for the Senate to vote and grant him the emergency powers of the Galactic Senate. The granted emergency powers to the Senate which discarded its disguise of democracy consist of:
Eliminated term limits for holding the office of Chancellorship.
Suspended scheduled elections and gave the chancellor the power to decide when to renew them.
Greatly expanded the Chancellors ability to write executive orders without senate approval.

Continuous Actions of choosing accountability and integration. It evolves Self's Spirit and dissolves Ignoreant self-distraction from all emotional attachment blocking from the pure and abundant Kryst/Creation within.

''Although as a rule the absurd culminates, and it seems impossible for the voice of the individual ever to penetrate through the chorus of foolers and fooled, still there is left to the genuine works of all times a quite peculiar, silent, slow, and powerful influence; and as if by a miracle, we see them rise at last out of the turmoil like a balloon that floats up out of the thick atmosphere of this globe into purer regions. Having once arrived there, it remains at rest, and no one can any longer draw it down again.''(Arthur Schopenhauer, 1818)
