Psychological/Soul Warfare a.k.a. Eternal Warfare √Divide & Conquer Tactics [Metatronic Reversal]

Psychological/Soul Warfare a.k.a. Eternal Warfare Tactics of Inversion & Subversion
[Anti-Kryst Metatronic Reversal]

Metatronic/Crucifixion Implantations to Hueman Light Body
[A.I. Assimilation for Entropic Anti-Life Artificial Consciousness],
Malevolent Word Magick,
 Hegelian Dialectic, "Occult" Mockery, COINTELPRO/Zersetzung/
 Neural Linguistic Programming (N.L.P.),
Satanic Ritual Abuse (S.R.A.),
Agenda 2030 "World Sustainable Development",
Enter(ob)tain-ment/Entrainment/MK-Ultra + R.N.M. Technology and Patents 
5G + Nano-technology + Vaccines + BA'AL Chemtrail Ingredients + Fluoridation = Entropy on the Hueman/Light Body of Original/Natural 12 Strand D.N.A. [currently degressed to 4]

• Malevolent Word Magick √Mind Traps
 Words are Spells. They can be used for intentions of healing or hurting. The placebo effect is merely an under

To break free the from spells of this word magick you have to Reason and Realize.
Know / Understand right through what might be lies. Balance index-Teachability and Trinitically Skepticise.

Govern-ment means mind mind control
Govern is to Control as Ment is to Mind.
You are a Sovereign Being if youre your own Government. Act with righteous  rebellion when tryants cross you and your families line.

 MK-Ultra/Mind Control/Entrainment|Enter(ob)tainMent
R..N.M., N.L.P., ETC.. Tech. + Patents
The process of psychological & demoralization warfare [Mind-Control] is deeply etched into this current system. It has been a huge cause of humanities collective amnesia and perpetual dissonance. Continuous self-imposed sufferings by blissed out Ignore-ance and sub-human conformity.

This Babylon system was constructed through slavery by intellectual, however soulless disconnected inorganics. Traitors and chimeras that worship (d)evil and wish to de-construct the natural & organic GOD/Krystos codes within the (original) 12 strand hueman DNA by the imbalanced Mind/Heart of the Spirit/Will of our collective eternal consciousness.
They are the "snakes in the grass" and "wolves in sheep's clothing".


 awareness and black hole desires for dominion and power over all realms by their artificialiality {material & immaterial} through humanity's unawareness to each of one's own Sovereignty and connection to Go(O)D. 
 Knowing the dark triads of psychology is the key component that shines truth on and reveals how to identify who these "False light" malevolent "people" are hiding in plain sight. Stay vigilant. Know and transcend from the "enemy" that lies from within and dissolve the abysmal assumption that you are separate.

This current system of "society" is now and has been for ages a satanic death-cult training ground. To get people broken down by trying to break their spirit with doubt, worry, over-negativity, and modern day Stasi "no-touch" COINTELPRO torture methods to keep them in docility and compliance. Manipulation on the minds and hearts of people to be utterly misled and compliant Stockholm syndied order-followers.

Hegelian Dialectic 

 This is a method of pure psychological manipulation. The military industrial complex and govern-ment counter culter psyop of controlled opposition in plain sight. 90% lies and 10% dashes of Truth led by politicians/celebrities/actors, musicians/artists. They are idol worshipped puppets and sell outs. They are referred to as "stars" by this Babylon system because they are literally fallen Angels of Huemanity who sold/gave up their own Sovereign Right for material wealth.


  An issue which I've become aware of that needs to be fixed and addressed formally in clear recognizance by targeted Individual's is those who sadly to say, are wasting their time taking their same cases to the court system much more so because of the vocabulary being used by the Individual's/defendants. The key word I'm referring to is the overused "gangstalking".

  While it is very real and obvious to those subjected to the abuse, It is literally useless just useless vocabulary spoken at the court Legalese slave NUMBer system. It does not recognize/deem it as a "valid" crime within it's own conditioned and conventional definition of what stalking is.

  For any Real chance at opening up the possibility of starting a solid case of investigation on this... To effectively cause more public attention, awareness and change, "precision of language" (ironically quoted from film The Giver) is vital to make the legal facts painstakingly, unavoidable and obvious for everyone.

The historical origins of "gangstalking"  must be learned to relay in clarity for this.
It stems Zersetzen/Zersetzung which is was a process developed by the former communist [KGB] East German secret police agency, the Stasi, to persecute dissidents. This is psychological warfare in plain sight through humanities present day no-touch torture methods. Zersetzung literally translates from German to decomposition. "The action of decaying, or causing something to decay. The action of breaking, or breaking something into smaller parts." 

This method of warfare has been more refined over time from bloodier medieval forms of torture into a more "sophisticated" Orwellian form of torture.
Zersetzung was developed ultimately with the goal to serve the Jesuit/Khazarian N.W.O. BAAL worshippers agenda. It ultimately seeks to fragment, suppress and destroy by any means, a Sovereign beings innate Spirit/Will/Self. 

I'd suggest going to Plain English Campaign's free (copyrighted) legalguide.pdf for learning and understanding the many legal phrases if needed...

Crucifixion/ReligiousBinding/METATRONIC REVERSAL
